Get Involved

Make a Difference

Time, Talent, Treasure—Advancing the Mission

Ladies of Charity appreciates the assistance and support from all of our volunteers—whether it’s for a day, on a weekly basis or during the months leading up to a special project or event. Many volunteer positions can be done from home.

Ladies of Charity has no paid staff. Everything from monitoring inventories, budgeting for the Clothes Closet /Food Pantry, maintaining the LOC Warehouse (clothing and food) acquisition and distribution activities to leading a desk are done by volunteers.

Some events require more organization, such as our semi-annual fundraisers. Chairwomen may oversee various standing committees to provide a more focused approach for these events. But as anyone who has stepped up to help will affirm, meeting new people, accomplishing something worthwhile and serving Ladies of Charity and its Mission are all significant benefits.


Ladies of Charity Welcomes Volunteers!

Ladies of Charity relies on volunteers to help accomplish its mission. The Ladies of Charity membership and others volunteer their time, talent and resources. People – adults and youth assist us in a variety of ways. Some come for an hour. Others help for a day. A number of people are regulars working with us once a week or once a month.



The investiture event celebrates a formal induction and mass for the Ladies of Charity. New members are encouraged to attend; older members may renew their commitment to the Ladies of Charity. Typically, it is celebrated in October at Holy Name Parish. After mass, all attendees enjoy a “Welcome Afterglow”. This is followed by a short presentation about volunteer opportunities.

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